Try Dog-Friendly Plants

- Sage
- Cilantro
- Sunflowers
- Rosemary
- Snapdragons
For more information on poisonous plants for animals, visit the ASPCA.
Watch Out for Rocks
Beware of rock sundaes. According to Kris Ahlgrim, D.V.M., of Golden, Colorado, “…when dogs eat rocks, it is very serious because, unlike wood mulch, rocks do not pass and can cause obstructions in their stomachs.”
Use Fencing for Borders
Dogs love to “patrol their territory,” and fences help make sure they aren’t exploring your neighbors’ yard. Fences are also a great way to create borders around gardens or sensitive plants to keep Fido away. You can also discourage digging and fence jumping by installing a dog window to satisfy their curiosity about the other side.

- Fountain
- Dog pool
- Sprinkler
- Dog watering system
A potty corner gives your dog a designated spot to take care of business. You can build it with cedar mulch and use a marking post to help them adjust.
Other Factors to Consider

Don't Forget the Shade
Landscaping for the Whole Family
If you need help designing or building dog-friendly landscaping, give us a call at 818-751-2690 or contact us here.